The Advocacy Collective is a transformative 6-month advocacy and networking pilot program designed to empower our community to develop the skills and resources to navigate systemic barriers and create change.

We are looking for 10 participants for this program and we would especially like to hear from folks in rural or isolated communities.

The program includes a $500 grant for each participant to spearhead local initiatives that build connections and address broad social justice issues at a community level.

Requirements for Applicants:

  • Reside in Newfoundland
  • 18+ years old
  • Available every other Wednesday from September 2024 to February 2025
  • Comfortable meeting online over a video platform

Gender diverse, Two-Spirit, non binary, trans, genderqueer, agender, genderfluid, etc, however you communicate your unique experience, we are looking for participants whose experience of gender and navigating our gendered social landscape doesn’t align with a mainstream narrative of gendered ways of being. If this is you, and you’re interested in creating change in your community, please consider applying for this program!

What We Hope to Achieve:

Empowerment through Education

Help 10 Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, gender diverse, and intersex (2STNBGDI) individuals from across the province learn the skills they need to self-advocate and tackle barriers.

Build Community

Foster a close-knit, encouraging circle of 2STNBGDI people who can act as community anchors for TSNL, particularly in rural areas.

Support Local Initiatives

Give each participant a $500 microgrant to support local community projects and spark positive change in their home regions.

Drive Advocacy and Change

Equip participants with the tools to create positive social change and address broader social justice issues.

Special Thanks!

Kia Canada, in partnership with Community Foundations of Canada and community foundations across Canada have begun the third year of Kia Communities in Motion. This program is inspired by Kia’s brand belief, ‘Movement that inspires.’ Movement is at the core of human development – through movement, we see new places, meet new people and have new experiences. It is through this movement that we find inspiration.

This program is designed to support the movement in local communities, giving charities and the communities they support, the time, space and funding they need to find inspiration and move forward. Kia Canada is investing $1.4 million over four years to fund projects that will help build inclusive communities across the country.

Many communities, including immigrants, Indigenous communities, racialized communities, individuals living with disabilities and the 2SLGBTQ+ community, among others to name a few, face unique challenges in creating safe and inclusive spaces. Kia Communities in Motion is supporting moving grassroots efforts forward to create a future where everyone flourishes.

At Trans Support NL, we are looking forward to seeing how this program can inspire movement in our community.

To learn more visit :

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